Saturday, February 27, 2010

Even Tsunamis

Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey him. Mark 4:41

The events of the last 24 hours illustrate to me a couple of things. First, when I see the destruction broadcasted across across our tv screen from an earthquake ravaged region, I am reminded of the sin sick world in which we live. The curse that it has been brought under by Adam's sin is becoming more apparent with every passing day. But secondly, I am struck by the grace that God gives us. Waiting with nervous hearts, the American people (especially those who are connected with Hawaii) watched to see if the defenseless island would be hit by a tsunami. We thank God tonight that we those people were spared. We also know that we serve a God that even the wind and the sea obey.

Pastor Rob

Friday, February 26, 2010

Smart Fools

For the Wisdom of this world is foolishness with God . . . I Corinthians 3:19

It was a long semester while I endured endless attacks on the Bible and Christianity from an agnostic professor my junior year of college. As God's people we must be careful that we do not entertain such foolish notions of ignorance and unrighteousness. God's enemies are always on the attack and sometimes they wear us down. We must take into account how God views the thoughts and wisdom of an unholy and unregenerate mankind. The scripture here is very clear; God believes them to be foolish. That should also give us the boldness and courage to stand up against such attacks.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Big Small God

When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which you have ordained, What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him? Psalms 8:4-3

The universe is now estimated to be 156 billion light years wide. There are thought to be more stars in the universe than grains of sand on the earth. The nearest galaxy to our Milky Way is 2.3 million light years away. When we consider how big the universe is it forces us to realize how small we actually are. Consider this: If the universe is that big, how big is the God that created it. Amazing isn't it. But there is something even more amazing; that big God made himself very small so that he might provide away of salvation for us. Remind yourself of this tomorrow; The great big creator of the great big universe is small enough to indwell inside of you today.

Pastor Rob

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hurry Up and be a Godly Parent

Chasten thy son will there is still hope, and do not set your heart on his destruction. Proverbs 19:18

"Hurry up, its time to go!" It seems like as my children get older that phrase is used more and more often in my house. There is school, church, activities, and sports. We always have some where to be. In the midst of all of the busy chaos involved with our day to day to lives, our children are quickly growing up. They are forming values and developing ideas about what is right and wrong. This scripture reminds us that we must stay focused upon the task of raising our children. We have to be about the business of "bringing up our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord." Always remind yourself that raising your children is a priority that can not be put off. Instill the Bible and godliness into them now. Pray for them now. And then leave them in the hands of God. Once they are grown the opportunity to raise your child will be gone.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Private Property

Remove not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set. Proverbs 22:28

Amazement filled my eyes as I stood in front of the Lincoln memorial and a sense of awe overcame me while standing at the tomb of the unknown soldier. It has been over twenty years since I visited Washington D.C. as a wided eyed sixth grader. I will never forget the sense of history and patriotism I felt that day. Could you imagine if it was decided to tear down the Washington memorial or paint over the Vietnam War memorial? There would be outrage and disgust and rightfully so. Landmarks were used in biblical times to mark private property so that a landowner would know where the property line was located. Unfortunately in America we have begun to remove and deface the spiritual and institutional landmarks that set this country apart from it's founding. Landmarks like the Bible, absolute truth, family values, and a desire to serve others. Like tearing down the Lincoln memorial and replacing it with a parking lot, these landmarks have been replaced with broken homes, faithlessness, and situational ethics. Let us protect the spiritual landmarks that made this country "One nation under God."

Pastor Rob

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dinner Time

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20

My wife prepared a wonderful meal for the family this evening. It is rare for everyone to enjoy the meal being served in our home (especially with a couple of picky boys). But this evening was the exception. As we sat around the table, I could not help but notice how much everyone was enjoying the food and the time together. Have you ever noticed how much fellowship and food go together? We see a picture of this in the verse above. Jesus was not just inviting the church of Laodicea to dinner but to something of much more significance, fellowship with Him. This invitation was to the church of Laodicea, not an individual. As the congregation of First Baptist, we must make sure that Jesus is not on the outside, knocking on the door. We should strive to be sure that we are fellowshiping with him continuely. This is the difference between a hot and luke warm church!

Pastor Rob