Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Private Property

Remove not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set. Proverbs 22:28

Amazement filled my eyes as I stood in front of the Lincoln memorial and a sense of awe overcame me while standing at the tomb of the unknown soldier. It has been over twenty years since I visited Washington D.C. as a wided eyed sixth grader. I will never forget the sense of history and patriotism I felt that day. Could you imagine if it was decided to tear down the Washington memorial or paint over the Vietnam War memorial? There would be outrage and disgust and rightfully so. Landmarks were used in biblical times to mark private property so that a landowner would know where the property line was located. Unfortunately in America we have begun to remove and deface the spiritual and institutional landmarks that set this country apart from it's founding. Landmarks like the Bible, absolute truth, family values, and a desire to serve others. Like tearing down the Lincoln memorial and replacing it with a parking lot, these landmarks have been replaced with broken homes, faithlessness, and situational ethics. Let us protect the spiritual landmarks that made this country "One nation under God."

Pastor Rob

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