Monday, March 1, 2010

A True Love Affair

But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Psalm 1:2

I remember when I was a 12 year old boy our church having a special revival during the spring. The evangelist had brought boxes full of a variety of study bibles to sale during that week. Ever night I would go look at this table full of new bibles. They all had that new book smell and the pages stuck together as I tried to leaf through them. There was one particular bible that I wanted. It was a hard back blue bible that had caught my eye. I had never had my own bible, I wanted so much to have that one but my parents could not afford it. The last night of the revival had come and the service had ended. The evangelist had begin to pack up the unsold bibles when a kind lady from our church came and took me back to the evangelist to buy me that bible. I could not express to you the excitement I felt that night and the closeness to God that overtook me. This evening Carla and I presented Evan with his first real bible. His face lit up and he gave that brand new bible a great big hug. I was a little envious of my son this evening because I saw the love he had for that God-breathed book that was once in my own eyes. Let us pray that we develop the child like love for God's word that we should have.

Pastor Rob

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